St Joseph girls, Mother Public boys triumph

St Josephs Girls High School and Mother`s Public School emerged champions in girls and boys categories of the Twin City Inter-School Basketball Tournament, which concluded at Barabati Stadium in Cuttack today.

In the closely-contested finals, St Josephs High School (Cuttack) beat KiiT International School (Bhubaneswar) 15-13, while Mother`s Public School (Bhubaneswar) got the better of Police High School (Cuttack) 72-67.

Senior advocate Sushant Kumar Das and Odisha Kabaddi Association president Sarat Kumar Sahoo handed over the trophies in the closing function. The tournament was organised by Cuttack Basketball Association.
PHOTO: Girls` champions St Joseph`s High School team in Cuttack on January 23, 2015.
